Friday, October 29, 2010


通少個 blog到學,可惜二個大少唔多喜歡。

材料 Ingredients: 4人份量 (for 4 people)
1- 玉子豆腐 1條 (Egg tofu 1 rolls) 
2- 茄子 2條 (Egg plants 2 rolls)
3- 碎豬肉 1/2磅 (Minced pork 1/2 lbs)
4- 蔥 1條 (1 Green Onion)
5- 蒜蓉 1湯匙 (chopped garlic 1 tbsp)

黑椒汁 Black pepper sauce:
1- 蠔油 2 茶匙 (oyster sauce 2 tsp)
2- 麻油 1 茶匙 (sesame oil 1 tsp)
3- 老抽 2 茶匙 (black soya sauce 2 tsp)
4- 生抽 3 茶匙 (soya sauce 3 tsp)
5- 黑椒粉 2湯匙 (black pepper 2 tbsp)
6- 水 5-6 湯匙 (water 5-6 tbsp)

做法 Method:
1- 先用基本野醃一醃豬肉15分鐘
2- 玉子豆腐切成5-6塊, 茄子滾刀切片, 或切厚件
3- 快火落油起鑊, 落一半蒜蓉炒熟豬肉, 放入煲內
4- 快火落油起鑊, 落餘下蒜蓉炒熟茄子, 放入煲內
5- 煲加入水至蓋過茄子, 快火滾起, 轉中火紋20分鐘
6- 同時, 玉子豆腐兩面沾上生粉, 熱油煎至兩面金黃, 在最後10分鐘才加入煲內
7- 最後倒入黑椒汁, 加生粉水埋獻, 加蔥花即成
1- Marinade the minced pork as usual for 15 mins
2- Egg tofu cut into 5-6 rounds, egg plants cut it into thick pieces
3- Heat the pan with oil, add half of chopped garlic and stir fry the pork until it is done.  
4- Heat the pan with oil, add the rest of chopped garlic and stir fry the egg plant until it is tender
5- Put the pork, egg plants into a pot.  Add water until it covered the ingredients.  Once it is boiled, turn the heat into medium for 20 min
6- Mix corn starch on each side of egg tofu.  Pan fry it until golden yellow.  Put it into the pot for last 10 minutes.
7- At the end, pour the black pepper sauces.  Add chopped green onion.

1- 玉子豆腐煎香兩面比較好吃不易爛
2- 茄子比較食油, 當炒時無油, 可以逐少逐少灑水, 以半蒸半煎去煮
3- 在加入玉子豆腐前, 先看水位, 如果太多水, 可先倒去, 那收汁時, 汁會較濃
4- 埋獻時, 小心不要攪爛豆腐, 最簡單是先取出豆腐, 埋獻完才加回

1 comment:

  1. 餸飯一流呀!!
    [版主回覆07/25/2012 18:45:12]係呀!
