Monday, November 30, 2009

麵鼓湯 Miso Soup

材料 Ingredients:

  • 乾海藻少量  Wakame (dried
  • seaweed) a little bit
  • 豆腐半盒 Tofu half box
  • 麵鼓三湯匙 Miso soup base 3 tablespoon
  • 味醂一湯匙 Mirin 1 tablespoon
  • 木魚湯粉底1/4茶匙 Hon-Dashi 1/4 teaspoon
  • 蔥一條 scallion x 1


  1. 用味醂來稀釋麵鼓,加二杯水和木魚湯粉。Use mirin mixed with miso soup base, add 2 cups of water and hon-dashi.
  2. 豆腐切粒。Cut the tofu to pcs.
  3. 蔥切粒。Cut the scallion to pcs.
  4. 海藻用水浸軟後加入湯中。 Soak the wakame to soft, and add to the soup.
  5. 湯滾後加蔥花。 When the soup boil, add the scallion.

Sunday, November 29, 2009



  • 海帶dried seaweed三條
  • 豆腐tofu一盒
  • 瘦肉1/4磅


  1. 海帶浸軟切段。
  2. 豆腐切粒。
  3. 瘦肉切片。
  4. 加海帶、豆腐和水一起煮至滾。
  5. 加瘦肉再滾,加適量鹽調味。

焗番薯 Roast sweet potato

材料 Ingredients:

  • 番薯二隻 Sweet potato x 2
  • 玉桂粉半湯匙 Cinnamon 1/2 tablespoon
  • 黃糖一茶匙 Brown sugar 1 teaspoon

做法 Methods:

  1. 將番薯去皮切粒。Peel and cut the sweet potato.
  2. 用少許油略煎番薯,加少許水、玉桂粉和黄糖煮熟番薯即可。Use a little bit oil heat the pan, then stir fry the sweet potato for awhile, add a little bit water, cinnamon and brown supar, until it soft.

薯蓉 Mashes potato

材料 Ingredients:

  • 薯仔五隻 Potato x 5
  • 清雞湯一罐 Chicken broth x 1 can

做法 Methods;

  1. 清雞湯滖後,放入薯仔。The broth is boiling, add the potato inside.
  2. 待薯仔軟後取出和壓成蓉。Until the potato soft, take out and mash it.
  3. 加一些湯使薯蓉較滑。Add a little bit broth to make it soft.

焗火雞 Roast Turkey

材料 Ingredients:

  • 火雞一隻「約二十磅」 Turkey about 20 lb
  • 紅辣椒粉少許 Paprika a little bit
  • 鹽少許 Salt a little bit
  • 黑椒粉少許 Black pepper a little
  • 糯米飯五杯 Sticky rice 5 cup
  • 雞湯二杯 Chicken broth 2 cup


  1. 洗淨火雞抹乾。Rinse the turkey and pat dry.
  2. 用鹽、紅辣椒粉和黑椒粉塗抹雞內外,皮上多塗一點油。 Use salt, paprika and black pepper put inside and outside the turkey.
  3. 將糯米飯塞入肚和頸內。Stuff the turkey inside the tummy and neck area.
  4. 雞胸向上,盤底放二杯雞湯,用錫紙盍在雞上面,並放在325。F內焗一個半小時。Breast on top, put 2 cup of chicken on the pan, use foil cover the turkey and roast 325。F for 1 and 1/2 hour.
  5. 拿出錫紙,再焗二小時,但每隔半小時用雞湯淋在雞皮上。Uncover the turkey and bake for 2 hours, every half hour put the broth on top of the turkey.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



  • 油條 fried twist crullers
  • 牛肉


  1. 油條切片。
  2. 加油條入熱油鑊中炸至脆。
  3. 牛肉炒熟便可。




  • 牛肉
  • 洋蔥
  • 沙茶醬 sa cha sauce


  1. 牛肉切片用鼓油、油和粟粉來醃。
  2. 洋蔥切片後分開成幼條。
  3. 將洋蔥炒香至半熟便放進碟中備用。
  4. 放牛肉炒至開始熟再加沙茶醬和洋蔥,略炒便可。


Tuesday, November 24, 2009



  • 茴香半個
  • 紅椒一個
  • 黃椒一個
  • 牛肉1/4磅
  • 蒜蓉一湯匙
  • 蒜蓉豆鼓醬一湯匙


  1. 茴香和椒切絲備用。
  2. 牛肉放鼓油、油和粟粉醃一會。
  3. 蔬菜略炒
  4. 放油、蒜蓉和蒜蓉豆鼓醬起鑊略炒牛肉。
  5. 將蔬菜回鑊,至牛肉熟便可。



  • 紹菜
  • 翠玉瓜
  • 金菇
  • 本菇
  • 草菇
  • 豆泡數個
  • 粉絲


  1. 紹菜切小段,翠玉瓜切條。
  2. 粉絲浸透備用。
  3. 菇洗淨備用。
  4. 紹菜煮軟,再下豆泡、草菇、本菇和蠔油煮一會。
  5. 加粉絲和金菇至熟,最後加少許麻油即可。

Monday, November 23, 2009




  • 日本南瓜 一個
  • 排骨 二磅
  • 雪耳 一個


  1. 先將排骨出水,洗淨備用。
  2. 放全部材料入滾水中,待水再度滾後,慢火煲大約三小時便可。

Thursday, November 19, 2009

冬南瓜燜雞 Butternut Squash and Chicken Stew

秋冬時候squash當做,價錢亦便宜,加上butternut squash高纖,又尋找到這個食譜,嘗試之後二少非常喜歡。但是好難切,我覺得砍才對。

材料 Ingredients:

  • 雞腿肉chicken thights x 8
  • 紅蘿蔔carrot x 4
  • 西芹celery ribs x 6
  • 蒜garlic x 3
  • 洋蔥onion x 1
  • butternut squash x1 (around 2 pounds)
  • dried oregano  1 tablespoon
  • cumin              1 tablespoon
  • 黑椒black pepper         a little bit
  • 清雞湯chicken borth  1 cup

做法 Method:

  1. 雞腿肉去皮和肥,洗淨之後抹乾備用。Remove the fat and skin from the chicken, rinse and pat dry, set aside.
  2. 紅蘿蔔和西芹切半吋長,洋蔥切件。Carrot, celery cut in 1/2" pieces, onion cut in diced.
  3. Butternut squash去皮切件。Peel and cut/chop the butternut squash into small pieces.
  4. 蒜剁碎。Garlic mined.
  5. 放油之後加蒜Put the oil in the big pot, add the garlic saute it.
  6. 加雞腿肉、紅蘿蔔和洋蔥炒至雞肉熟Add the chicken, carrot and onion, saute it till the chicken turn brown.
  7. 加西芹、oregano、cumin、黑椒、清雞湯和 水,水滾之後慢火煮大約半小時Add the celery, oregano, black pepper, cumin, chicken borth, and 1/2 cup water, gently stir, cover and simmer for about 30 mins.
  8. 加butternut squash再煮20分鐘即可。Add the butternut squash, stir a little, and cover and simmer for about 20 mins. or until it done.  The butternut squash and carrot are very sweet, add 1/4 teaspoon salt, the taste much better.

- 瓜需硬但是過熟會容易爛。Even the butternut squash is very hard, if you overcook it then will melt.
- 可以加野米或糙米在(7)中一齊煮。You can also add some wild rice or brown rice into it (step 7).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

糯米飯 (油飯) Sticky Rice

材料 Ingredient:

  • 糯米和米各一半 Sweet rice and white rice 1:1 (you can use only sweet rice too!)
  • 冬菇    Dry mushroom       
  • 干貝    Dry scallop
  • 蝦米或蝦乾 Dry shrimp
  • 臘腸  Chinese sausage


  1. 將冬菇用水浸軟,切粒待用。Soak the mushroom, cut it small pcs.
  2. 將蝦米和干貝冲洗,同清水浸軟干貝。Rinse the dry shrimp and dry scallop, soak it.
  3. 將臘腸切片(或切粒,大小隨意) 。 Cut the Chinese sausage, size not really matter.
  4. 糯米和米冲洗後放進煲中,, 放適量的水(將浸干貝的水也放進)和 少許鹽, 將飯煮熟。Rinse the rice and put it in rice cooker, put the water (the water soak the dry scallop too), add a little bit salt
  5. 將臘腸放進鍋中稍炒一下,隨後放冬菇粒、蝦米和干貝下鹽調味炒熟。 stir fry the Chinese sausage, add the mushroom, shrimp and scallop inside stir fry, add a little salt.
  6. 飯熟後放臘腸、冬菇粒、蝦米和干貝進煲內混和,在煲內10 – 15 分鐘。When the rice done, put the stir fry mix inside, stir well, and left inside the rice cooker for 10 - 15 mins.

P.S.  I use the sticky rice as of stuffing, cook 5 cups rice just enough to stuff a 20 lb turkey.

Monday, November 16, 2009

鹹雞蛋 Salty Egg


材料 ingredients:

  • 雞蛋 egg
  • 鹽 salt
  • 茶包  tea bag (Lipton)
  • 酒 一茶匙  wine 1 teaspoon

做法 Methods:

  1. 水滾後將鹽放入,直到鹽不能再溶,加茶包,變涼後加酒,放蛋和溶液入瓶,四星期便可以吃。
  2. Use the jar to measure the water, boil the water, put the salt in until it can't solve, add the teabag, when it cold add the wine. Put the eggs inside the jar, pour the liquid inside, done in 4 weeks.

鹽焗雞 Salty bake chicken

早二天試做鹽焗雞, 用鹽焗雞粉來做, 都好簡單。

材料 Ingredients:

  • 雞一只                           Roasting chicken (normally 5 - 7 lb) x 1
  • 鹽焗雞粉 二包              Spicy bake mix x 2
  • 酒 少少                          Chinese cooking wine  1 teaspoon

做法 Methods:

  1. 洗滌雞之後, 將焗雞粉和酒途均勻雞內外,風乾二至三小時,用200。F烘二小時。
  2. Rinse the chicken and pat dry, mix the power and wine together, put them on the chicken inside and outside, bake for 2 hours at 200。F.