Monday, November 16, 2009

鹹雞蛋 Salty Egg


材料 ingredients:

  • 雞蛋 egg
  • 鹽 salt
  • 茶包  tea bag (Lipton)
  • 酒 一茶匙  wine 1 teaspoon

做法 Methods:

  1. 水滾後將鹽放入,直到鹽不能再溶,加茶包,變涼後加酒,放蛋和溶液入瓶,四星期便可以吃。
  2. Use the jar to measure the water, boil the water, put the salt in until it can't solve, add the teabag, when it cold add the wine. Put the eggs inside the jar, pour the liquid inside, done in 4 weeks.

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