- 糯米和米各一半 Sweet rice and white rice 1:1 (you can use only sweet rice too!)
- 冬菇 Dry mushroom
- 干貝 Dry scallop
- 蝦米或蝦乾 Dry shrimp
- 臘腸 Chinese sausage
- 將冬菇用水浸軟,切粒待用。Soak the mushroom, cut it small pcs.
- 將蝦米和干貝冲洗,同清水浸軟干貝。Rinse the dry shrimp and dry scallop, soak it.
- 將臘腸切片(或切粒,大小隨意) 。 Cut the Chinese sausage, size not really matter.
- 糯米和米冲洗後放進煲中,, 放適量的水(將浸干貝的水也放進)和 少許鹽, 將飯煮熟。Rinse the rice and put it in rice cooker, put the water (the water soak the dry scallop too), add a little bit salt
- 將臘腸放進鍋中稍炒一下,隨後放冬菇粒、蝦米和干貝下鹽調味炒熟。 stir fry the Chinese sausage, add the mushroom, shrimp and scallop inside stir fry, add a little salt.
- 飯熟後放臘腸、冬菇粒、蝦米和干貝進煲內混和,在煲內10 – 15 分鐘。When the rice done, put the stir fry mix inside, stir well, and left inside the rice cooker for 10 - 15 mins.
P.S. I use the sticky rice as of stuffing, cook 5 cups rice just enough to stuff a 20 lb turkey.
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