Sunday, November 29, 2009

焗火雞 Roast Turkey

材料 Ingredients:

  • 火雞一隻「約二十磅」 Turkey about 20 lb
  • 紅辣椒粉少許 Paprika a little bit
  • 鹽少許 Salt a little bit
  • 黑椒粉少許 Black pepper a little
  • 糯米飯五杯 Sticky rice 5 cup
  • 雞湯二杯 Chicken broth 2 cup


  1. 洗淨火雞抹乾。Rinse the turkey and pat dry.
  2. 用鹽、紅辣椒粉和黑椒粉塗抹雞內外,皮上多塗一點油。 Use salt, paprika and black pepper put inside and outside the turkey.
  3. 將糯米飯塞入肚和頸內。Stuff the turkey inside the tummy and neck area.
  4. 雞胸向上,盤底放二杯雞湯,用錫紙盍在雞上面,並放在325。F內焗一個半小時。Breast on top, put 2 cup of chicken on the pan, use foil cover the turkey and roast 325。F for 1 and 1/2 hour.
  5. 拿出錫紙,再焗二小時,但每隔半小時用雞湯淋在雞皮上。Uncover the turkey and bake for 2 hours, every half hour put the broth on top of the turkey.

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