Monday, November 16, 2009

鹽焗雞 Salty bake chicken

早二天試做鹽焗雞, 用鹽焗雞粉來做, 都好簡單。

材料 Ingredients:

  • 雞一只                           Roasting chicken (normally 5 - 7 lb) x 1
  • 鹽焗雞粉 二包              Spicy bake mix x 2
  • 酒 少少                          Chinese cooking wine  1 teaspoon

做法 Methods:

  1. 洗滌雞之後, 將焗雞粉和酒途均勻雞內外,風乾二至三小時,用200。F烘二小時。
  2. Rinse the chicken and pat dry, mix the power and wine together, put them on the chicken inside and outside, bake for 2 hours at 200。F.

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