Monday, December 7, 2009


材料 Ingredients:

  • 魚1條fish x 1
  • 薑數片 several slide of ginger
  • 蔥2條 2 stalks of scallion


  1. 洗淨魚備用。Wash the fish and set aside
  2. 蔥白放在魚下面,薑放在魚肚內,又或魚柳上。put the white end of scallions on the plate, the fish on top of the scallions, gingers inside the fish stomach and/or top of the fish
  3. 蒸6 -8分鐘。steam 6 - 8 minutes.
  4. 蔥綠色部分切粒,加入鼓油和滾油,淋在蒸熟釣魚上。              

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