Sunday, December 6, 2009

瘦身焗牛肉 Healthy meat loaf



  • 牛肉碎ground beef 3 - 4 lb
  • 西芹Celery x 2 stalks
  • 洋蔥Carrot x 1
  • 紅蘿蔔Onion x 1
  • 蛋Egg x 2
  • 洋蔥湯味粉1包Onion soup mix (I use Lipton) x 1
  • 麵包糠Bread crumbs 1  cup
  • 水Water 3/4 cup
  • 茄汁Ketchup 2/3 cup
  • BBQ醬或茄汁BBQ sauce or ketchup 1 cup


  1. 預熱焗爐350。F.  Preheat oven 350F
  2. 西芹、洋蔥和紅蘿蔔切碎。Minced celery, onion and carrot.
  3. 材料(BBQ醬例外)混和 Combine all ingredients (except BBQ sauce) and mixed well.
  4. 放入焗盤中。Shape them into meatloaf pan or any pan
  5. 加BBQ醬在上面。Put the BBQ sauce on top of the meat loaf.
  6. 焗1小時左右。Bake 1 hour or until it done.
  7. 等10分鐘可用。Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.


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